[ allan allan ]
Specifies the Allan intercept,which is a parameter of the PLL/FLL clock discipline algorithm,in seconds with default 1500 s.
上面的意思翻译过来是:指定allan截距,这是PLL / FLL时钟纪律算法的参数,以秒为单位,默认为1500秒。
网络时间控制协议的规范和参考是由时钟纪律算法实现的。该算法采用了一个循环机制,该算法有2种模式:第一种phase-lock loop(简称PLL),即阶段锁定循环,第二种frequency-lock loop(简称FLL),即频率锁定循环。二者相互结合,能自适应参数,能对阶段锁定/频率锁定做出回馈。这是一个复杂的算法,可以自动调整最佳性能,同时能最大限度地减少网络开销。
[ dispersion dispersion ]
Specifies the dispersion increase rate in parts-per-million(PPM) with default 15 PPM.
翻译过来是:指定每百万分之1的分散增长率,默认是15 PPM(即分散增长率的默认值是每百万分之15) 。
我在apache的kudu官方网站看到apache hadoop团队开发的kudu对ntp.conf的设置的是dispersion 500 和 allan 0 引用他们官方的描述的理由是缩小最大误差:
We’ve performed experiments using the default NTP time source available in a Google Compute Engine data center and were able to obtain a reasonable tight max error bound, usually varying between 12-17 milliseconds.
The following parameters should be adjusted in /etc/ntp.conf to tighten the maximum error
server my_server.org iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 8
tinker dispersion 500
tinker allan 0
[ freq freq ]
Specifies the frequency offset in parts-per-million (PPM) with default the value in the frequency file.
翻译过来是:指定在frequency file(即driftfile)中设置的以每百万分之几的默认频率偏差值。
[ huffpuff huffpuff ]
Specifies the huff-n‘-puff filter span,which determines the most recent interval the algorithm will search for a minimum delay.The lower limit is 900 s (15 m),but a more reasonable value is 7200 (2 hours).
针对Huff&Puff的解释,我查阅了《NTP Clock Discipline Principles》一书,其中对Huff&Puff的描述是:"Huff&puff algorithm corrects for large outliers and asymmetric delays".意思是Huff&Puff是一种算法,用于纠正离群值和非对称延迟。
[ panic panic ]
Specifies the panic threshold in seconds with default 1000s.If set to zero,the panic sanity check is disabled and a clock offset of any value will be accepted.
[ step step ]
Specifies the step threshold in seconds.The default without this command is 0.128 s. If set to zero, step adjustments will never occur. Note: The kernel time discipline is disabled if the step threshold is set to zero or greater than 0.5 s.
关于step的解释在《NTP Clock Discipline Principles》一书中只有一句:" ignore if offset exceeds until stepout."
[ stepout stepout ]
Specifies the stepout threshold in seconds. The default without this command is 900s. If set to zero, popcorn spikes will not be suppressed.
翻译过来是:指定stepout的阈值以秒为单位。默认值是900秒。如果设置为0的话, 爆米花峰值将不能被抑制。
关于stepout的解释在《NTP Clock Discipline Principles》一书中也只有一句:"interval within which step spikes are ignored."
大意是:在stepout 设置的这个阈值范围内step的峰值会被忽略。
关于popcorn spikes的解释我只在"The NTP Pool System"中看到相关的片段:"a huff-and-puff algorithm corrects for large outliers and asymmetric delays, and a popcorn spike suppressor clips noise spikes. "