使用 UnrealPak.exe 创建 Pak文件方法
You could also use pak files. Pak is a single package containing multiple asset files (only content, no DLLs etc).
There‘s a UnrealPak.exe under Engine/Binaries/Win64. Here‘s example how it can be used
UnrealPak.exe D:\MyAssetPak.pak PathToYourProject/Content/FolderToAddToPak1 PathToYourProject/Content/FolderToAddToPak2 ...
UnrealPak.exe D:\MyAssetPak.pak -create=PathToResponseFile.txt
where the ResponseFile could be:
..\..\..\Engine\Content\Editor\Slate\*.* ..\..\..\Engine\Content\Localization\*.* ..\..\..\Engine\Shaders\*.* ..\..\..\Engine\config\*.* PathToYourProject\*.uproject PathToYourProject\Config\*.* PathToYourProject\Content\Localization\*.* PathToYourProject\Saved\Sandboxes\Cooked-WindowsNoEditor\Engine\*.* ..\..\..\Engine\*.* PathToYourProject\Saved\Sandboxes\Cooked-WindowsNoEditor\ProjectName\*.* ..\..\..\ProjectName\*.*
Note that the last two lines re-base the content from Cooked folder to Content folder.
There‘s more info in UnrealPak.cpp, line ~582:
* Params: * -Test test if the pak file is healthy * -Extract extracts pak file contents (followed by a path, i.e.: -extract D:\ExtractedPak) * -Create=filename response file to create a pak file with * where the first number is the private key exponend, the second one is modulus and the third one is the public key exponent. * -TableMax=number maximum prime number in the generated table (default is 10000)